Forest Mushroom and Green Bean Masala


Perfect for a cozy cold night in, this deep and rich masala is guaranteed to hit the spot. The earthy spices are combined with a robust and velvety cream sauce that’ll lead to an explosion of savory goodness. Using a wide variety of mushrooms adds a layer of complexity that’ll change depending on the mushrooms you use. The light spice from the jalapeno is just enough to make you realize you’re eating a curry without steam blowing out your ears. Add more spice as desired - its you’re life, don’t let anybody tell you how to live it!

2020 Cave Spring Riesling

Wine Pairing

If you’re interested in pairing a wine pairing with this dish, We highly suggest an off-dry or medium sweet riesling. The slight sweetness will help counter the spice in the dish. Also, you want something that is medium bodied and soft to compliment the flavours of the dish and avoid overpowering one another. A great example of this is the Cave Spring Riesling, the review can be found here if you’re interested. It’s an off-dry Ontario riesling with bright lemon, citrus, and mineral notes that enhance the curry flavours in this dish.


Ingredients (Makes 4 Servings)

  • Vegetable oil

  • 20-30 mixed mushrooms (get as many different varieties of mushroom as you want! Visit your local market and just start grabbing mushrooms left, right, and center).

  • 1 dried bay leaf

  • 1 tsp. cumin seeds

  • 1 spanish or white onion, finely diced

  • 1 jalapeño, finely diced

  • 3-5 garlic cloves, very finely diced

  • 1 inch piece of ginger fresh ginger, peeled and grated

  • 2 Tbsp ground coriander

  • 1 tsp. garam masala

  • 1 tsp. hot smoked paprika (or paprika)

  • 2 pinches of cayenne pepper

  • 2 pinches ground turmeric

  • 3 Tbsp. tomato paste (use double or triple (!) concentrated tomato paste for a more robust flavour)

  • A handful (or two) of trimmed green beans, trimmed and halved

  • 0.5 cup cooking cream (use whole milk for a healthier alternative)

  • Splash of lime juice

  • Steamed basmati rice (you know how much you want…live your own life)


  • Public Service Announcement - Its always important to prep your ingredients before you begin to cook. Some recipes you can get away with prep during the cooking process, but its better to come prepared.

    • You don’t have to say it - its common sense. But common sense is like deodorant - the people who need it most never seem to use it.

  • Make your spice mix! In a small bowl, combine 2 Tbsp. of ground coriander, 1 tsp. of Garam Masala, 1 tsp. of hot smoked paprika, 2 pinches (~0.5tsp.) of cayenne pepper, 2 pinches of ground turmeric. Mix well.

    • The spice blend is one of the most quintessential parts that defines Indian cuisine. Every family has their own unique blend. I dare you to ask someone for theirs…it’ll be a secret they take to their grave.

    • Feel free to use your own spice blend, change this one to your own taste, or give me yours! I won’t be offended.

    • Side note - Garam Masala is a blend of ground spices comprised of cinnamon, peppercorns, cardamom, mustard seeds, coriander seeds, cloves, mace, and nutmeg. Its easily found in most supermarkets. If you decide to make your own, toast the spices in a pan for a few minutes first before grinding! It’ll help bring out the flavour.

Prep Your Vegetables - Finely dice your 1 Spanish onion, 1 de-seeded jalapeno, and 3-5 cloves of garlic. Peel and grate (or very very finely chop) your 1 inch piece of ginger. You can combine all of these into one bowl - they’re all going to be cooked together. Cut your 20-30 mushrooms into 1 inch pieces (you’re not dicing these, you just want big chunky strips). Trim your handful (or more) of green beans and cut them in half. Both the mushrooms and green beans will be separate from your vegetable mix.

  • For the love of yourself, please do not touch your eyeballs (or other more revered bodily parts…) after handling hot peppers. I don’t care that its a jalapeno. Don’t be stupid. Build a good habit (you will thank me later).

  • How on earth do you peel a ginger? Peel ginger? Yes, I understand what you mean. Take a teaspoon and using the top of the spoon (the pointy yet rounded end?), scrape off the ginger skin. It should be very easy. Its a VERY important step, don’t substitute for powered ginger (you sinner).

  • Cook Your Mushrooms - if you’re an impatient person, lets change that today. Let me explain. You’ll need to cook / sear your mushrooms separately. Take a heavy bottomed pan, bring it up to medium-high heat, and add 1 Tbsp. of vegetable oil. In one single layer (!!!!), cook the mushrooms with a pinch of salt 4 minutes each side until golden brown. Remove mushrooms from the heat and put them into a bowl. Repeat until all mushrooms are done.

    • “This seems tedious and unnecessary, I’m just going to cook them in one go randomly”. Good things take time, stop rushing everything you do and enjoy the ride.

    • Tikka Masala is roasted marinated chicken breast in a spiced sauce, which is COOKED SEPARATELY. Searing the mushrooms caramelizes the edges of the mushroom, which will add to the meaty texture and, later, the rich flavour of the curry.

  • Sautee Awayyy - turn the heat down to medium. Add the remaining vegetable oil, 1 tsp. of cumin seeds, 1 dried bay leaf (broken in two). Swirl together for 1 minute until its fragrant. Stir in your finely diced 1 onion, 1 jalapeño, 3-5 garlic cloves, and 1 inch ginger. Cook and stir occasionally for around 10-15 minutes (give or take).

    • By cooking the cumin seeds and bay leaf for a little first, you’ll really add to the overall aroma of the dish. What are the five senses again?

    • Before you proceed to the next step, check that the onion is translucent.

  • Is this Curry? Start Building the Curry - add the spice blend (2 Tbsp. of ground coriander, 1 tsp. of Garam Masala, 1 tsp. of hot smoked paprika, 2 pinches of cayenne pepper, 2 pinches of ground turmeric). Stir and combine for 3 minutes until fragrant (sounds familar). Add 3 Tbsp. of tomato paste, stir to combine until the mixture is a darker red (“rust” coloured). Pour in 1.5 cups of water and scrape the bottom of the pan with a wooden spoon.

    • Scrape the bottom? Why? Who cares? “Deglazing” the pan and scraping the very flavoured browned bits adds to the overall flavour.

Lets Bring It All Home - add the sauteed mushrooms and any juices, handful (or two) of green beans, 0.5 cup of heavy cream. Bring to a simmer for about 20 minutes, or until the green beans are tender (and not mushy) and the sauce has thickened. Salt to taste.

Serving - either on top of a bed of steamed basmati rice or in a separate bowl. Your call. We’ve made it this far, I trust you will do what you want anyways.

  • Just for fun - this is how I’ve served it. Top with a little bit of cream, freshly squeezed lime juice, dried rose pedals, a bunch of cilantro stems, and sprouts.

  • FYI - cilantro stems often have more of a cilantro-y flavour than the leaves. Cook with the stems, all the best restaurants do it.


Chicken Soup